Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers Providing Compassionate Legal Services to Injured Accident Victims
Have you or a loved one suffered a spinal cord injury in an accident? These injuries can result in permanent paralysis in some cases, forever altering the course of the victim’s remaining days.
Modifications may need to be added to the injured person’s home, like providing wheelchair access. Family members may need to provide constant care to their injured loved one. Specialized medical equipment could be required. These are costly alterations to a person’s life. The injured individual and their family should not be responsible for paying that price tag if another party caused the accident.
Your insurance company may provide some form of financial recovery after a recent spinal cord injury. However, too often, the amount of assistance they are willing to provide is inadequate at best and insulting at worst. If insurance companies see the opportunity to save a single penny, they will do so.
It would be best if you spoke with a spinal cord injury lawyer. At Khan Injury Law, our spinal cord injury lawyers have years of experience representing accident victims who need assistance navigating the complex legal system seeking compensation for their injuries.
Please call our Seattle office today to schedule a free consultation with one of Washington State’s premiere personal injury law firms.
What Are Common Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries?
Injuries to the spinal cord are among the most serious injuries the human body can endure. Tens of thousands of spinal cord injuries happen annually across the United States.
Spinal cord damage can result from accidents such as the following:
- Accidents at construction sites.
- Boating accidents.
- Diseases and infections.
- Diving accidents.
- Gunshot wounds.
- Horseback riding falls.
- Industrial accidents.
- Medical malpractice.
- Motor vehicle accidents.
- Slip and fall accidents.
- Sports injuries.
- Trampoline accidents.
- Unsafe road conditions.
- Violence and assaults.
- Workplace accidents.
In What Way Might a Spinal Cord Injury Affect a Victim’s Life?
Those who suffer spinal cord injuries will likely see their lives forever altered in several different ways, depending on the severity of the injury.
Common changes to daily life may include:
- Bedsores.
- Breathing irregularity.
- Depression and anxiety.
- Difficulty controlling bowels and bladder.
- Inability to care for oneself on their own.
- Loss of motor function.
- Loss of sexual function, arousal, libido, and fertility.
- Mental health issues, including depression.
- Numbness.
- Obesity.
- Paraplegia.
- Phantom pain.
- Sleep apnea.
- Tingling sensations.
What Are the Different Types of Spinal Cord Injuries?
There are numerous types of spinal cord injuries. The type of spinal cord injury a person suffers can determine what kind of life that person may have from here on.
Spinal cord injuries broadly fall into one of two categories: complete and incomplete. A complete spinal cord injury causes permanent damage to the affected area of the spine, resulting in conditions like paraplegia and tetraplegia. An incomplete spinal cord injury is responsible for partial or limited damage to the spinal column. The outcome of incomplete spinal injuries depends mainly on where the trauma is centered on the spine, the severity of the trauma, and the injured victim’s medical history.
There are four different levels of spinal cord injury.
Sacral spinal cord injuries affect the hips, pelvic organs, buttocks, and thighs. Accident victims with this injury may temporarily or permanently lose their ability to walk. Sacral injury victims also typically have little control over their bowels and bladder.
Lumbar spinal cord injuries directly affect the hips and legs. The victim may be able to move about with the help of a walker or cane, but they may require a wheelchair. With the proper medical care, some individuals can recover, depending on the severity of the trauma.
Thoracic spinal cord injuries affect the chest, back, and abdomen. Victims of this injury may lack strength in their extremities and bladder and bowel control.
Cervical spinal injuries affect the area above the shoulders, including the neck and head, resulting in total paralysis. This is considered to be the most severe spinal cord injury. The closer the cervical spinal injury is to the skull, the more likely the damage may result in death. Those who suffer this injury lose nearly all sensory functions. This injury will require specialized care, including home modifications and dedicated care.
What Kind of Financial Resources Will a Family Need to Properly Care for a Loved One with a Spinal Cord Injury?
There are substantial financial implications for those who’ve suffered recent spinal cord injuries. The means of treating spinal cord injury symptoms are expensive, but even those who cannot treat the spine will still face financial hardship as they adjust to new daily life.
The National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center recently published its findings on the cost of spinal cord injuries.
The worst spinal cord injuries may result in annual costs close to $200,000. But the first year after the injury will be the most costly, as modifications must be made to life and home. The first year may cost closer to a million dollars.
For less severe spinal cord injuries, the first year may cost somewhere close to $500,000, with each subsequent year costing approximately $50,000.
You may recover fair compensation for your injuries by taking legal action, so you need not be asked to pay these absurd dollar amounts without assistance.
How Can a Personal Injury Lawsuit Help Spinal Cord Injury Victims?
As your personal injury attorneys, we will gather evidence from the scene of the accident, review your medical records, speak with professionals in the medical field, and attempt to build an airtight case so that your spinal cord injury claims get the respect and the sort of response that they deserve.
With maximum compensation, you may have the financial burden of costly medical treatments, psychological therapy, lost wages, lost future earning capacity, and certain non-economic damages lifted from your weary shoulders.
Schedule a free consultation at our Seattle office today to speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer. 206-203-3978.